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Those mysterious cloudberry errors

Started using cloudberry again.  When it works, it works great.  But, its awful when it comes to error messages.  Going to start listing those errors here, and hopefully what worked to get past it.

"Failed The system cannot find the path specified.

Open what exactly?  Lets dig deeper...

Log file shows:
The system cannot find the path specified.
at BBF.A(Boolean )
at BBE.BBe.D()
at aZZ.rN(VolumeInfo , List`1 , Boolean , Boolean )
at aD.m()
at aD.H()
at aD.M()
at B.aC()

That was not helpful.


So far have seen this error two times.

First time: Fix was to check "use system VSS Provider" under "advanced Options" under "show advanced disk options.

Second Time: Fix was to check "Disable VSS, use direct access to NTFS volume" under "advanced Options" under "show advanced disk options.



Cloudberry Error: Account for starting plan is not defined

Cloudberry Backup Error

Backup Type: Cloud

Error: Account for starting plan is not defined.  Another cryptic message, why is it backup companies cant have a master list of errors.

Reran the backup manually, it worked.  Will have to see if it fails again tomorrow.


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