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Issues setting up Backblaze B2 Command-line and Windows / Python install

I needed to set up the Backblaze B2 command-line tool to remove unfinished files, also known as failed uploads.

The only way to clear out “unfinished files” is to run their designated script from the command line. If you don’t, you will end up using up a lot more space and money than you want.

Backblaze has a write-up on setting this up, but it’s not entirely accurate. You can find those here:

Once installed, Python, per those instructions, produced an error with PIP.

pip install -upgrade b2 resulted in ‘pip’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

The root cause comes down to this not being set properly in the path variable. For some reason, the python installer failed to do this for pip.

Quick fix
Navigate to:

I then ran cmd (type command in the address bar) from that folder above with the following command:
pip install --upgrade b2

Root cause fix
1. Start -> search type environmental -> click on System Environmental Variables.

2. Click Environmental Variables at the bottom of the dialog box.

Click Path -> Then Edit ->

Make sure the following are set. Changing %username% as you see fit (your username typically)


C:\Users\ %username%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\

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