Get your candy ridden body in gear and burn some calories. This workout will get your heart rate up. Warm-up Dynamic Stretching Quick Jog 100m 5 pushups 5 Squats 5 Lunges 40-Min AMRAP 10 burpees 40 Flutter Kicks Sprint 30 yrds 4x Times, 20 Second rests inbetween 15 Lunges 20 Suitcase crunches 10 Burpees 1 Minute Plank Jacks Can you…
Tag: workouts
9-16-2017 Sat Workout
This workout is to work Delts, Triceps and Quads. This was not an endurance workout. Pushups, Squats, and Burpees should be 75% of what your max is, modify as needed. Workout time: Typically 45 Mins to 1 Hour Warm-up 2 – Rounds 22 Jumping Jacks 22 Forward Arm Circles 22 Rear Arm Circles 11 Squats 6 Inch works to Push…