Hyper-V, Tech Blog, Windows

Live migration Hyper-V Virtual Machine Fails on move 0x80090302

Trying to move a VM in Hyper-V huh?

This error is related to 0x8009030D

Move Hyper-V Virtual Machine Fails 0x80090302 The function requested is not supported.

There was an error during move operation.
Virtual machine migration operation failed at migration source.
Failed to establish a connection with host ‘NEW HYPER-V’: The function requested is not supported (0x80090302).
Virtual machine migration operation for ‘VM name’ failed at migration source ‘OLD HYPER-V’. (virtual machine ID)
The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to establish a connection for a Virtual Machine migration with host ‘NEW HYPER-V’: The function requested is not support (0x80090302).
The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to authenticate the connection for a Virtual Machine migration at the source host: The function requested is not supported (0x80090302).


At least the error ID is consistent.

STEP ONE – Change Live Migration settings on BOTH Servers (Source and Destination)

  1. Open Hyper-V Manger -> Hyper-V Settings -> Live Migrations

a. Verify “Enable incoming and outgoing live migrations” is checked.

b. Verify “Use any available network for live migration” is selected.

  1. Expand Live Migrations -> Advanced Features

a. Select “Use Kerberos”

  1. Click ok to close that window.

STEP TWO – Setup Delegation on BOTH servers (Source and Destination)

  1. Go to Domain controller
  2. Then to Active directory -> computers -> right click source server -> Properties
  3. Click Delegation Tab
  4. Highlight the following
    • Cifs
    • Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service

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