Our most recent edit shows you the folder to specifically trust: http://strongitguy.com/quickbooks-set-excel-to-open-with-macros-enabled-when-running-reports/ User goes to open up an Excel report from Quickbooks and receives a Security Warning that Macros have been enabled. There are two ways to “Fix” this based on your security settings and environment. The first is the easiest for most users. For this, we are going…
Category: Microsoft Excel
Office 365 Account Error – we can’t get to your account right now
Symptoms: User continued to have issues opening word or excel from SharePoint. At times it would ask for credentials, you would enter a username, then the screen would disappear without a password request. Other times it would open, but would not let them edit the document. Errors: Account Error Sorry, we can’t get to your account right now. To fix…